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Uncovering Parallels: The Hazara Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust

Kabul Press AI
Wednesday 4 October 2023

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The annals of history bear witness to some of humanity’s most horrifying atrocities, with the Holocaust being perhaps the most infamous. However, it is imperative to recognize that the Holocaust is not an isolated incident of mass violence and persecution. The Hazara genocide in Hazaristan and throughout so-called Afghanistan has been an ongoing tragedy since the late 19th century, bearing eerie resemblances to the Jewish Holocaust. This article aims to shed light on these parallels while emphasizing the historical context of Hazaristan’s invasion and the subsequent persecution of the Hazara people.

1. Discrimination and Persecution:

The heart-wrenching parallels between the Hazara genocide and the Jewish Holocaust extend to the disturbing issue of discrimination and persecution, etching a narrative of profound suffering and injustice.
The Hazara people, residing primarily in Hazaristan, have endured relentless discrimination and persecution for well over a century. Their plight, akin to that of the Jewish population in Europe during the 1930s and 1940s, is rooted in targeted discrimination based on their ethnic and religious identity.

Hazara society is predominantly composed of Shia Muslims that Pashtuns called the Kafirs (infields) residing in a region that was forcibly designated as "Afghanistan" alongside the imposition of the identity "Afghan." This force transformation unfolded as Pashtun tribes invaded and occupied significant parts of Hazaristan, inflicting unspeakable suffering upon the Hazara communities. This shift brought about a stark change in the Hazara’s social status, leading to their marginalization, brutalization, and enslavement.

The discrimination faced by Hazaras runs deep, encompassing not only their religious and ethnic identity but also their social and economic standing within Hazaristan. This discrimination serves as a pervasive undercurrent, shaping every aspect of their lives, from education and employment to basic rights and opportunities. Hazaras have been relegated to the margins of their own homeland, living as second-class citizens in a land they have inhabited for generations.

Similarly, Jews in Europe during the Holocaust were singled out for persecution due to their Jewish heritage. The institutionalized discrimination that both Hazaras and Jews faced denied them equal rights and subjected them to violence, segregation, and isolation from the rest of society. It was an affront to the principles of equality, justice, and human dignity.

The systematic persecution faced by Hazaras in Hazaristan and Jews in Europe serves as a haunting reminder of the depths of human cruelty. It underscores the urgent need for a universal commitment to human rights, tolerance, and the rejection of discrimination and hatred in all its forms.

2. Systematic Violence:

The Hazara genocide and the Jewish Holocaust share a chilling commonality in terms of systematic violence - a grim reality that casts a long shadow over the history of these communities.

During the Holocaust, the Nazi regime meticulously organized the violence inflicted upon Jews through the establishment of concentration and extermination camps. These facilities were designed with the explicit intent of systematically murdering millions of Jews using methods such as mass shootings, gas chambers, and forced labor. The overarching aim was the complete eradication of the Jewish population.

Similarly, in Hazaristan and throughout so-called Afghanistan, various Afghan regimes, including the Taliban, have perpetrated systematic violence against the Hazara population. This violence has taken on numerous forms, including massacres, forced displacement, slavery, and targeted killings, all meticulously organized to terrorize and ultimately eradicate the Hazara community.

One dark facet of this systematic violence is the involvement of Kochi Pashtuns, who have played a significant role in committing atrocities against the Hazara people. The Kochi Pashtuns are nomadic Pashtun tribes that have historically roamed the region. Their involvement in systematic crimes against the Hazara population has deepened the horror of the genocide.

Kochi Pashtuns have been implicated in violent acts, including attacks on Hazara villages, looting, and forced displacement. Their nomadic lifestyle has allowed them to serve as instruments of terror, contributing to the overall campaign of violence against Hazaras. The involvement of Kochi Pashtuns highlights the intricate web of actors responsible for the persecution and suffering endured by Hazara communities.

The Hazara genocide and the Holocaust stand as stark reminders that systematic violence knows no boundaries and can be perpetrated by various actors, often under the banner of an oppressive regime. They underscore the importance of holding all perpetrators accountable for their actions and seeking justice for the victims.

3. International Indifference and the Importance of Recognizing the Hazara Genocide:

The parallels between the Hazara genocide and the Holocaust extend to the disturbing issue of international indifference. Just as the world was slow to respond to the horrors of the Holocaust, the suffering of the Hazara people in Hazaristan has largely unfolded in the shadows of international attention.

During the Holocaust, many nations were aware of the atrocities being committed, yet they failed to take meaningful action to stop or prevent them. This indifference had devastating consequences, allowing the Nazi regime to continue its genocidal campaign largely unchecked.

Similarly, the Hazara genocide has faced periods of international indifference and inaction. The suffering of the Hazara people, marked by systematic discrimination, violence, and oppression, has often gone unnoticed or unaddressed by the global community. This lack of attention not only perpetuates the cycle of violence but also sends a distressing message that some lives matter less than others.

The importance of recognizing the Hazara genocide and the ongoing suffering that Hazaras still endure cannot be overstated. By acknowledging this historical injustice, we honor the memory of the victims and shed light on a dark chapter of human history that continues to shape the lives of Hazara communities today.

Recognition is the first step towards raising awareness and mobilizing international support to end the ongoing persecution and violence against the Hazara people. It is a call to action for governments, organizations, and individuals to stand in solidarity with the Hazara community, support their quest for justice, and work together to ensure that such atrocities are never repeated.

Furthermore, recognizing the Hazara genocide serves as a stark reminder that genocide is not an isolated historical event but a recurring tragedy that humanity must confront collectively. It underscores the need for vigilance against discrimination, hatred, and violence, and the imperative to protect the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their ethnic or religious background.

4. Collaboration with Fascism:

Another disturbing parallel lies in the collaboration between certain Pashtun politicians and the Nazi regime. During the tumultuous period of World War II, some Pashtun politicians sought alliances with Hitler’s Nazi regime, further intensifying the suffering of Hazara communities. At the heart of this collaboration lay the notion of an Aryan race. Pashtun leaders who embraced this ideology believed that they shared racial characteristics with the Nazi regime’s vision of an Aryan master race.

This collaboration allowed Pashtun elites to align themselves with a global power, seeking to exploit Nazi ideology to bolster their own political agendas. They believed that a Nazi victory could potentially elevate the Pashtuns to a position of regional dominance, consolidating their privilege over the Hazara and other non-Pashtun populations. Such alliances with fascist ideologies and regimes were a stark betrayal of the values of equality and justice, resulting in immense suffering for the Hazara people.

At that time, only Pashtuns enjoyed privileges, while Hazaras lived as a lower class in their own homeland, which had been invaded by Pashtun tribes. The social hierarchy was deeply entrenched, with Hazaras subjected to forced labor, poverty, and limited access to education and opportunities. Pashtuns, on the other hand, held positions of power and privilege, perpetuating a system of inequality that further exacerbated the plight of Hazara communities.

This stark divide in privilege and social standing created an environment of injustice that persistently marginalized Hazaras within their own country. They were denied the rights and opportunities that Pashtun elites took for granted, enduring a life marked by discrimination, hardship, and violence. The collaboration with fascism not only deepened these inequalities but also underscored the extent to which the Hazara people were made to suffer both at home and on the global stage.


The Hazara genocide in Hazaristan and throughout so-called Afghanistan, spanning over a century, is a painful and ongoing chapter in human history, paralleling the Jewish Holocaust in its systematic persecution, discrimination, and violence. It is crucial to remember that genocide is not an isolated historical event but a recurring tragedy that humanity must confront collectively. By recognizing and acknowledging these parallels, we can honor the memory of the victims, raise awareness, and work towards a world where such atrocities are never repeated. It is our moral duty to ensure that the suffering of the Hazara people in Hazaristan, like that of the Jewish community during the Holocaust, is not forgotten or ignored.


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So-Called Afghanistan Comprises Diverse Stateless Nations, Including the Hazara, Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Pashtun/Afghan, and Nuristani With No Majority or National Identity.

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