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Ethnic Interests Make Rina Amiri Lie and Support Taliban

Kabul Press - News
Tuesday 1 August 2023

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Kabul Press?: Having a shared ethnic background with the Taliban, ethnic interests make U.S. Special Envoy Rina Amiri lie and support the terrorist group Taliban.
In a tweet linked to a press statement, Rina Amiri says that "due to increased demands from Afghans (fake identity for non-Pashtuns) and human rights activists, she joined her colleagues in the direct negotiations with the Taliban."

Rina Amiri’s tweet has lots of critical feedback from human rights activists, including women rights activists. Many of them pointed out the false information she circulates using the name of women and on behalf of women. Some of the critiques pointed out the ethnic interests of Rina Amiri contradicting the rights of women.
Rina Amiri has disabled comments by her non-followers, but almost all quote tweets from people, including rights activists, contradict her claims. A journalist writes, "Do you know why they lock the comment section? Because there is not even a single human rights defender to endorse this. None of Afghanistan’s journalists, human rights defenders, writers, artists, activists, or civil society members have argued them."

A women’s rights defender writes, " Our message is very clear that we have no talks or compromises with Taliban. Our humanitarian values have no place in the Taliban’s thinking and worldview, so we only want the people of Afghanistan to rise against this petrifying and murderous group.”
A female cyberactivist writes, "Dear Rina Amiri, write about the promises you gave to the Taliban, removing them from the blacklist."
As such critical responses are too many, Rina Amiri is not telling the truth.

A female cyberactivist writes, "Dear Rina Amiri, write about the promises you gave to the Taliban, removing them from the blacklist."

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