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Ethnocentric Approach of Karzai, Ahmadzai and Taliban Governments

Kabul Press - News
Sunday 31 October 2021

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Kabul Press?: In September 2021, the Taliban terrorist organization released the name of its members in its cabinet, known as the cabinet of suicide bombers. Some of the Taliban’s cabinet members, including the Taliban’s acting prime minister, are blocklisted by the United Nations Security Council because of their own terrorist activities and ties to other terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda.
Looking at the names of the members of the Taliban’s cabinet, there are three issues emphasized and highlighted by experts and international media:
• Most members of the Taliban’s cabinet are blocklisted by the United Nations Security Council
• There are no women in the Taliban’s cabinet
• All of them except three share the same ethnic background, the Pashtun

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The anti-women act of the Taliban is not something new, as the group, besides the most radical interpretation of Islam, follows an anti-women tradition called Pashtunwali. According to Sarah Caron’s project, "The rigid cultural traditions of "Pashtunwali" (the Pashtun code of honor), combined with the plague of religious extremism, have turned the lives of Pashtun women in Taliban-infested tribal regions of Pakistan into tales of affliction."

Out of 33 members of the Taliban’s cabinet, 30 are Pashtuns, 2 are Tajik, and 1 is Uzbek. Looking at the ethnocratic approach of the Taliban, some similarities are identifiable by the corrupt governments of Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai. Based on the propaganda of Pashtun nationalists, and without any reliable data and comprehensive census, all three governments consider/ed the Pashtuns as the majority. The outcomes are/were racial discrimination against non-Pashtuns and, as history says, forced displacement and genocide of particularly the Hazara of Hazaristan.


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