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Taliban Suicide Bombers in Power: Which Country Will Recognize Terrorists First?

Among the world’s politicians, the Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan, who shares the same ethnic background as the Taliban, openly talks about the Taliban’s recognition.
Kabul Press - News
Wednesday 27 October 2021

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Kabul Press?: Weeks after the escape of Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai (known as the father of fraud and corruption), the collapse of the so-called Afghani government, and the control of the country by Suicide Bombers no country has recognized the Taliban terrorist organization as a legitimate government. The group has banned women from social activity and forced girls to remain home. No work and education for women and girls. Based on the ethnic interest of Pashtuns, the terrorist group also is displacing forcefully non-Pashtuns, particularly the Hazara, and settling Pashtuns in non-Pashtuns’ homes. Many civil society activists are escaped, many media outlets are banned, or their journalists are forced to be silent.
Out of many questions, many ask which country will recognize first the rule of the Taliban suicide bombers as the legitimate government over millions? Among the world’s politicians, the Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan, who shares the same ethnic background as the Taliban, openly talks about the Taliban’s recognition. Is the Pakistani government going to be the first country to recognize the Taliban as a legitimate government? Other possible countries might be China, the United Kingdom, Iran, Suadi Arabia, or the United Arab Emirates to be first recognizing the rule of the terrorist organization over millions of people.

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